You get anything when someone gives it to you, you obtain it by your own efforts, someone brings it to you or you buy it. Why not use get instead of take, obtain, bring or buy? It sounds nicer, let’s try:
I got a gift from her this morning. (Instead of She gave me a gift this morning.)
Get me the bundle, please. (Instead of Bring the bundle to me.)
Which car have you got? (Instead of Which car have you bought/purchased?)
Get is also used for reach/arrive:
When will you get here?
Did you get to the school in time?
What time did you get there?
Get is also used for answering the door or phone:
Will you get the phone?
Get the door, please, and see who’s there.
Get also means ‘to understand,’ for example:
I know she didn’t get the joke.
Plain words, please; I didn’t get what you said.
I don’t get it—why would she steal from the store?
You can express catching a disease or illness using get:
I got this nasty bug off you. (bug=disease)
She got food poisoning from a restaurant.
Get is considered very informal and avoided in formal writing.
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