Author: Mahmood Ahmad

  • Lesson 8: China’s Way to Progress

    Galeazzo Santini Q. Why has the world changed its attitude towards China? A. Because of the significant progress China has made, the world has to change its attitude towards it. Q. Discuss the Chinese agricultural system.  A. Chinese agriculture runs through the system of communes with subdivisions into production brigades and teams. Still, the greater…

  • Lesson 7: My financial career

    Stephen Leacock Q. What light do the following expressions throw on Leacock’s state of mind when he entered the bank: ‘looked timidly round,’ ‘shambled in’? A. These expressions imply that the writer was hesitating and behaved in a silly manner in confusion. Q. Why did the manager come to think that Leacock had an awful…

    a customer looking very embarrassed in front of different windows in a bank, holding a few crumbled dollars in his hand.
  • Lesson 6: The man who was a hospital

    Jerome K. Jerome Q. How did Jerome K Jerome come to suspect that his liver was out of order? What were the diseases he thought he was suffering from on reading a book on the treatment of diseases? A. On reading various symptoms from a liver pill circular, he found that his liver was out…

  • Lesson 3: Why boys fail in college

    By Herbert E. Hawkes Q. According to the author there are some boys who fail because they do not try. Who are they? Can we help them? A. Some boys spend much time in the presence of an open book but their attention is diverted all the time to other things. Such students are those…

  • Lesson 5: On destroying books

    By J. C. Squire Q. What sort of books were presented by the British public to soldiers? A. Most of the books presented by the public to the troops were quite ordinary and suitable. However, there were also odd things like magazines twenty years old, guides to the Lake District, and back numbers of Whitaker’s…

  • Lesson 4: End of term

    By David Daiches Q. What was the Daiches’ attitude towards the weekend as a schoolboy? Why did he long for it? A. As a schoolboy, Daiches felt happy at the arrival of the weekend. He longed for it for two solid holidays with no classes and freedom from going to school for the whole day.…

  • Lesson 2: Using the scientific method

    By Darrel Barnard & Lon Edwards Q. How has the scientific method helped us in our fight against disease? A. The scientific method was crucial in fighting disease. It solved problems like understanding the causes of diseases and ways to prevent them. Diseases like smallpox, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, yellow fever, malaria, typhus,…

  • Lesson 1: The dying sun

    By Sir James Jeans Q. How is it that a star seldom finds another star near it? A. A star mostly makes its voyage in total loneliness. The average distance between stars is over a million miles. For these reasons, a star rarely finds another one near it and collides with it. Q. What happened…

  • Story writing

    Table of contents Elements of a story Tips for story writing in an exam 1. A clever crow 2. The dog and his reflection 3. The hungry fox and grapes 4. The hungry fox and food 5. A spider and a fly 6. The hare and the tortoise 7. A foolish stag 8. The lion…

  • Use of ‘get’


    You get anything when someone gives it to you, you obtain it by your own efforts, someone brings it to you or you buy it. Why not use get instead of take, obtain, bring or buy? It sounds nicer, let’s try:I got a gift from her this morning. (Instead of She gave me a gift…