past progressive tense کو timeline پر یوں ظاہر کیا جا سکتا ہے:

bracket مخصوص دورانیے کو ظاہر کرتی ہے۔
اس کو past continuous tense بھی کہتے ہیں۔ یہ tense کسی ایسے کام کو ظاہر کرتا ہے جو past میں ایک وقت کے دوران جاری رہا ہو۔
● اس tense میں was/were بطور auxiliary verb استعمال ہوتا ہے اور اس کے بعد present participle form of the verb یعنی ing verb form استعمال ہوتی ہے۔ I/he/she/it یا کسی singular noun کے لیے was استعمال کرتے ہیں جب کہ we/you/they یا کسی plural noun کے لیے were استعمال کرتے ہیں۔
sentence میں الفاظ کی ترتیب عموماً اس طرح ہوتی ہے:
Subject + was/were + ing verb form + object (+ adverb).
She was cooking soup. | وہ سُوپ پکا رہی تھی۔ |
The sweeper was sweeping the floor. | خاکروب فرش پر جھاڑو پھیر رہا تھا۔ |
He was passing through the garden. | وہ باغ میں سے گزر رہا تھا۔ |
They were wearing new suits. | انہوں نے نئے سوٹ پہنے ہوئے تھے۔ |
Ali and Akram were flying kites. | علی اور اکرم پتنگیں اڑا رہے تھے۔ |
You were dancing with two girls. | تم دو لڑکیوں کے ساتھ رقص کر رہے تھے۔ |
The actors were combing their hair. | اداکار اپنے بالوں میں کنگھی کر رہے تھے۔ |
● negative sentences میں was/were کے بعد not استعمال کرتے ہیں، مثلاً:
Ali’s younger brother was not crying. | علی کا چھوٹا بھائی رو نہیں رہا تھا۔ |
The teacher was not beating Sumera. | استانی سمیرا کو مار نہیں رہی تھی۔ |
You were not standing there. | آپ وہاں نہیں کھڑے تھے۔ |
The students were not telling the truth. | طالب علم سچ نہیں بتا رہے تھے۔ |
● اس tense میں مندرجہ ذیل contractions استعمال ہوتی ہیں:
wasn’t = was not
weren’t = were not
● interrogative sentences کی ترتیب عموماً یوں ہوتی ہے:
Was/Were + subject + ing verb form + object (+ adverb)?
Was the cat sleeping in the basket? | کیا بلی ٹوکری میں سو رہی تھی؟ |
What was she cooking for dinner? | وہ ڈنر کے لیے کیا پکا رہی تھی؟ |
Were they killing a snake? | کیا وہ سانپ مار رہے تھے؟ |
Was he solving sums? | کیا وہ سوال حل کر رہا تھا؟ |
● wh- questions کا آغاز عموماً wh- words سے ہوتا ہے، مثلاً:
Wh- word + was/were + subject + ing verb form + object (+ adverb)?
Who were the police chasing? | پولیس کس کا پیچھا کر رہی تھی؟ |
(یاد رہے کہ police بطور plural noun استعمال ہوتا ہے)
When was he waiting for us? | وہ ہمارا انتظار کب کر رہا تھا؟ |
Where was the cat sleeping? | بلی کہاں سو رہی تھی؟ |
Exercise 1
Complete the following sentences using the verb provided in past progressive tense.
- I ____________ a book when he came in. (read)
- The sun ____________ when we went out. (shine)
- When I came in, they ____________. (write)
- The children _________ their homework while she ______ supper. (do, make)
- I took another cake when you ____________ not _________. (look)
Exercise 2
Use was/were appropriately.
- He ______________ sitting in a café where I saw him.
- They ______________ carrying umbrellas when it was raining.
- Large crowds ______________ waiting for the prime minister.
- She cut her finger while she ______________ cutting bread.
- The police ______________ chasing the criminal.
Exercise 3
Translate the sentences in exercise 1 and 2 into Urdu after giving correct answers.
Exercise 4
Change the following sentences to negatives, interrogatives and wh- questions.
- He was wearing jeans.
- I was laying the table for dinner.
- They were washing their hands.
- The girls were partying.
- Najeeb was running after a bus.
Answers to exercises
Exercise 1
- was reading
- was shining
- were writing
- were doing, was making
- were, looking
Exercise 2
- was
- were
- were
- was
- were
Exercise 3
Exercise 1
- جب وہ اندر آیا تو میں کتاب پڑھ رہا تھا/رہی تھی۔
- جب ہم باہر نکلے تو سورج چمک رہاتھا۔
- جب میں اندر آیا تو وہ لکھ رہے تھے۔
- جب وہ رات کا کھانا پکارہی تھی تو بچے اپنا ہوم ورک کررہے تھے۔
- جب آپ دیکھ نہیں رہی تھیں تو میں نے ایک اور کیک لے لیا۔
Exercise 2
- جب میں نے اُسے دیکھا وہ ایک کیفے میں بیٹھا تھا۔
- جب بارش ہورہی تھی تو وہ چھتریاں اُٹھائے ہوئے تھے/تھیں۔
- بڑے بڑے ہجوم وزیر اعظم کے منتظر تھے۔
- جب وہ بریڈ کاٹ رہی تھی تو اُس نے اپنی انگلی کاٹ لی۔
- پولیس مجرم کا پیچھا کر رہی تھی۔
Exercise 4
- He was not wearing jeans.
Was he wearing jeans?
Who was wearing jeans?
What was he wearing? - I was not laying the table for dinner.
Was I laying the table for dinner?
Why was I laying the table?
What was I laying for dinner?
Who was laying the table for dinner? - They were not washing their hands.
Were they washing their hands?
What were they washing?
What were they doing?
Who were washing their hands? - The girls were not partying.
Were the girls partying?
What were the girls doing?
Who were partying? - Najeeb was not running after a bus.
Was Najeeb running after a bus?
What was Najeeb running after?
After what was Najeeb running?
What was Najeeb doing?