Tag: english

  • Nouns and pronouns

    Nouns are words that refer to people, places, things, materials or ideas. They are of the following types: concrete, abstract, countable, uncountable or mass, material, common, proper, compound, collective and pronouns. Concrete nouns are nouns that can be touched or seen. Steak, table, dog, Maria, salt, and wool are all concrete nouns Abstract nouns refer…

  • Greeting and saying goodbye

    When you meet someone, you greet them. You say someone goodbye at the end of a meeting. Here are some expressions used for greeting: Informal greetings Hi /haɪ/ Hallo/ hullo /həˈləʊ/ Hey /heɪ/ Hiya /ˈhaɪ.jə/ Howdy /ˈhaʊ.di/ Hello stranger! Long time, no see! These two expressions are used when you meet a friend after a…